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Canadian Study Group

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu

Source: YouTube (Seido)

About Daito-ryu

People, do they know?
Though you may strike the river
No mark is left on the water

Saigo Tanomo, to Takeda Sokaku

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu is a traditional Japanese martial art transmitted for generations within the Takeda family of the Aizu domain, and disclosed to the general public by Takeda Sokaku starting around the end of the 19th century. The main line of this tradition was inherited by Takeda Sokaku's son, Takeda Tokimune, who then passed it on to Kondo Katsuyuki. Kondo Katsuyuki is the only individual to have received the menkyo kaiden (license of full transmission) from Takeda Tokimune, and as such continues as the leader of the Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu tradition today.

Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu is a form of jujutsu, a system of unarmed fighting and minor weapons techniques to defeat both armed and unarmed opponents. It is noted, as the name suggests, for emphasizing the principles of aiki (some aspects of aiki are also referred to as kuzushi). The Daito-ryu technical tradition includes both jujutsu and aikijujutsu, but a clear distinction is made between the two and the emphasis is strongly on the latter.

From ancient times the admonishment to "attack where the opponent has been unbalanced" has been a fundamental axiom of Asian martial arts. In Daito-ryu, the principle of "how to unbalance the opponent" is referred to as aiki, and a great many of the tradition's oral transmissions and secret teachings pertain to the various aspects of aiki.

Today, Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu is a cultural heritage of the Japanese warrior class with a long history and tradition. It was developed as a means of self-defense against unprovoked violence, with the ultimate aim of neutralizing violence, not causing it. This is one of the reasons why Daito-ryu relies on using forms (kata) to train in the art, but does not include any kind of competitive matches. Further, as a classical Japanese martial art, Daito-ryu goes beyond mere self-defense, offering the way to temper one's body and spirit, with the aim of developing personal character and contributing to the greater social good.



Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo

Jodo (the Way of the staff) has roots in the Japanese martial arts that go back many years. In the latter half of the fifteenth century, Muso Gonosuke Katsuyoshi, a student of the Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-Ryu, founded the Muso Shindo Ryu, a school that devised the dynamic art of jo-jutsu. The legend tells that Gonosuke was the only person that could ever defeat the famous swordsman Myamoto Musashi or according to another legend to finish in a draw. After that Gonosuke became an instructor to the Kuroda clan in Kyushu, where the tradition of Muso Shinden Ryu is still living.

Seitei Jodo

Seitei Jodo, similarly to Seitei Iaido, is a modern form of jodo, created in 1968 under the auspice of the Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei (or All-Japan Kendo Federation). The twelve kata and twelve basic techniques (kihon) are derived from koryu (old style) Shindo Muso-ryu and are regarded as the best gateway towards the old style techniques.

Jodo is a martial art, which can be practiced by all, regardless of their age. The practice of the jodo kata’s helps one develop a keen sense of distance, zanshin, kiai, a feeling for the partner and a strong mind and body.

Training curriculum

Body & mind strength

Through various exercises, install the building blocks essential to your practice.


How to behave in the dojo, as well as how to comport yourself in your social life.


Negate or minimize the potential damage of a fall - a very important step for any martial practices.

Martial principles

Concepts and elements of major importance to gain a better understanding of conflict situations - and how to handle them.

Principles of Aiki

Aiki is a multi-faceted concept at the core of many of Daito-ryu techniques.

Hiden Mokuroku

The Hiden Mokuroku is the technical curriculum used to practice Daito-ryu. It contains 118 techniques, dived in 5 sets, then further divided into groups of techniques practiced from sitting (idori), against a standing opponent (hanza handachi), from standing (tachiai), and when the opponent comes from behind (ushiro dori).


Call Us
(819) 319-9684
Training location
Academy Martial Arts De L'Outaouais
70, Eardley Road
Gatineau, Quebec, J9H 4K2

Training occurs every Tuesdays, from 19:30